Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Enjoying the Moment

Here is my little, we have been matched for almost three years now. He continues to teach me lessons every time we hangout. Just the other day he was telling me how he couldn’t wait until he grew up.

For some reason, I got really upset and told him that he needs to enjoy his childhood. Once this time passes, you don’t get to go back… long summers breaks without a care in the world. Where the biggest problems were which night games to play, or whose house would host the sleepover. I might have just confused him, or probably just assumed I was quoting Billy Madison, since he’s only eleven.

This made me reflect on my current state in life. I should heed my own advice, instead of worrying about my future all the time. I need to take a moment and enjoy my freedom, see the world, and really get to know my number one constant – me.

I know I will be a family man one day, and once that day comes I will not be able to go back. So I better do myself a favor and really live this stage of my life, no regrets.

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