Before moving on to these new beginnings, I find my thoughts pondering endings and that inevitable end. Rest assured, I'm not planning for death by any means, but realizing it's coming for us all has forced me to reset my priorities. Helping me to spend more time doing things, and surrounding myself around people that I truely enjoy. These quotes may sound morbid, but for me they are inspiring as we all look towards a new year…
“Death is the one thing that connects us all. It reminds us that what’s really important is who we’ve touched, how much we’ve given. It makes us realize that we have to be good to one another.” –Heroes
“In this world, one day death is going to take the life from everything that you love. So while you’re able, love what you have. Takes the death from your life.” – Dean Koontz
“Death may be the greatest of all human blessings.” – Socrates
“To the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure.”
“You think the dead we love ever truly leave us? You think that we don’t recall them more clearly than ever in times of great trouble?” – Albus Dumbledore
Good post. You know, I've been thining along these same lines lately. I'm sensing some sort of huge change coming, not just for me, but for all of us. I think now's the time to prepare oursevles for whatever lies ahead. Thanks for your thoughts, straw guy.
I always love reading what you have to write...very insightful! I have to agree with you and Socrates! Just grateful we get the "Big Picture" because death really is just the beginning.
loved it... happy 2008 and best wishes- hope we run into you son!
Dumbledore is gay.
So my little sister went to Equador involved with OSSO and LOVEd it to say the least. We are starting a baby shoe company and part of our proceeds are going toward that charity. I love what they do...any progress with implementing it in other areas? if you ever get involved and need other volunteers let me know! I can't travel with a child overcourse but I can help with any type of administrations!
Good to hear from you!
"Death may be the greatest of human blessings." - Socrates
This is a great quote. It's too bad that it's too simplistic that it can often be mis understood.
I like your thinking and agree very much.
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