Wednesday, November 07, 2007


Thomas Jefferson once said that every generation needs a new revolution. Just like every generation before, we face our own set of problems. Global warming, oil supply, terrorism, HIV, poverty, literacy, human rights, health care, the list goes on and on. With so many issues and so many people ready to tell you what's wrong, my generation seems to be overloaded and not responding very well.

I have had the privilege to be surrounded by many who do not share this same apathy. I get to see everyday many passionate and motivated people that are committed to doing their part and caring about those that seem to not care about themselves. They relentlessly fight the good fight even though the odds are not our side; they look out not for themselves but for others. They are more afraid of losing an opportunity then they are of making a mistake which causes them to act.

The greatest parts about these actions are that they are infectious. You don’t have to be around this behavior very long to start wanting to do something yourself. I believe this is how it starts; every generation on their own must find their way. It's about time we start getting in the game, it's about time for our own revolution.


The Mahas Family said...

You've been tagged. Check my blog

Jacci Halliday said...

Yo Sam-master, good to see you via battle

a{Jo} said...

Yay! You are blogging again! Great posts.